Thursday, September 20, 2012

the journey.

Every day is a step in the journey.
The journey is the life God has planned for you
and you must live it out.

Sometimes this is an easy quest and it isn't hard to pick up your feet and follow the path, but other times it's the opposite and your feet are heavy and your soul is weary.

My husband and I have been through a lot of both just this year alone.  There have been trials we have faced, and tremendous joy.  We've been so blessed in the midst of everything, yet there are moments I wish we could have taken back, or done differently.

But that's the journey for you.  You don't get to choose the elements you face.
And every day is a test.  You have to take each day with a step of faith, because it's more than you can handle on your own.  You aren't suppose to take on the burdens of this world by yourself.

I'm so thankful that I've known Jesus since such a young age.  I have messed up so much, my hands are anything but clean...but he died for me and all my mistakes.  He took the place on a cross when I should have been there.

We're undeserving.  We're imperfect.  We're broken.  We're reckless.  We're lost.  We're human.

But with Him, we are more than conquerors (romans 8:37).
That's something to get excited about.
Now, thank Him for taking your place, and abandon your fears.
Move forward with confidence.
We are meant to live for SO much more.

We're warriors.  We're strong.  We're unbeatable.  We're found.  We're deeply love.  We're children of God.

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