Thursday, December 30, 2010

alive and well.

Hello, strangers.
Yes the holidays have come and gone and I initially had all these posts planned of cute ideas I had or creative advice that I could give, and then the inevitable happened when the weather changed from 70 degrees to 30:
I got a nasty cold.

There have been a lot of crumpled up tissues, peppermint oil, and immunity boosters in our house lately. And through it all, David has really been more caring and understanding. When we first were married, he struggled a but in this area because he had never had to care for a human other than himself before, so it took a lot of patience on his end and he had trouble like most newlywed men. I say men because most women have the nurturing instinct built inside of them from the day they are born - the desire to keep things nourished, healthy, and happy. It's not a coincidence that women were made to birth a child and raise them, to be the supportive and caring mommy that every child needs.

Anyway, David has been getting so much better. He's becoming a better husband every day.
You don't realize how difficult marriage is going to be until you are actually married - living inside the reality of dealing with the crazy differences and perks of another person. To be stable, loving and forgiving no matter what happens is a hard thing to do. And I admit, I'm not always that person. In fact, I'm never perfect. Neither is he. So, the last year of our marriage was tough but we also had so many good times of laughter.

We were brought together in the beginning because of our crazy personalities - we connected to each other in a way that was almost magnetic. I guess crazies attract crazies. Ever since we got married, our personalities have toned down a lot. I think being a responsible, working adult can do that to you. But I want to forever cherish that side of us - the side that a lot of people can honestly say they have never had. And every day that our marriage gets tough and I may think that it's too much for me to handle, I give it to God and he sends me the memories of the laughter we've shared. Moments with laughter can never be replaced.

This Christmas was a true blessing. I didn't deserve the gifts I received, but I am thankful nonetheless. My favorite gift was a book my brother made me of all of our inside jokes growing up. I don't think he left out a single one. He's the best.

I will be posting in this blog later this week. Rachael, Sal, Peter and Joscelynn are visiting Florida for the rest of the week and we have all sorts of plans. Beach, Disney World... it's going to be a good week. And my nose is starting to clear. I can't smell or taste yet (my two favorite things) but atleast I can breathe again. And a few nights ago as I was practically wheezing and couldn't sleep, I realized that I take my health for granted. I have never once worked out just because I'm healthy and want to stay that way - it's usually always to work a troubled spot or lose weight. But I've realized how important it is to start exercising again (it's been a few months) and to get back on track - for my health so I don't ever have to permanently be ill when I have the power to take care of my body.

So, alas, here are my resolutions for 2011:
1. More blogging (once or twice a week)
2. More photoshoots & advance my skills in photography
3. Play piano daily
4. Write more songs on piano
5. Attend more auditions for musical theater (that is my life's dream after all)
6. Start college FINALLY
7. Work out more often, eat healthier than I have been the last few months. I'd like to lose 30 pounds in 2011. Very possible!
8. Pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus. He has all the answers I need to life
9. Love people more
10. Become more of a confident person and to feel more comfortable in my own skin and walk in that on a daily basis

1 comment:

  1. Shaylee, those are wonderful resolutions.

    In my opinion I think when someone gets sick in a marriage it brings them a lot closer. When I got really sick 2 months after Kyle and I got married I think our marriage definitely changed. The doctor made me stay home for 8 days and I wasn't the best "patient" at home. I was so emotional from the pain and the illness I was experiencing and Kyle just stood by through all the tears. He showed me a side that I didn't expect to see. He was very attentative and thats when I knew that he really did care and he gave his all to make sure I was comfortable, I was okay, and he definitely made sure I didn't over do it and make myself sicker. He suprises me the most when I don't expect it, thats for sure.

    Happy New Year! I hope its a wonderful year for you!
