Saturday, December 31, 2011

what are you doing new years eve?

I'm in New York!  I spent the last few days in the city, taking in blissful views, bumping into thousands of people, smelling pretzels and different kinds of meats, looking in awe at huge buildings, thinking of endless possibilities... this has been an amazing trip thus far.
The ball lit up from the Rockefeller Center

And a few other faves to hold you over:
Jenny McCarthy in Times Square, Dino at the Museum of Natural History, in front of Radio City, and the tree in Rockefeller Center.
Two buildings I was REALLY excited about:  The Statue of Liberty and the Freedom Tower

And, just for kicks... here were my goals for the 2010/2011 New Years.  I highlighted those that I felt like I actually stuck to in the best of my ability!
1.  More blogging (once or twice a week)
2.  More photoshoots & advance my skills in photography
3.  Play piano daily
4.  Write more songs on piano
5.  Attend more auditions for musical theater (that is my life's dream after all)
6. Start college FINALLY
7. Work out more often, eat healthier than I have been the last few months. I'd like to lose 30 pounds in 2011. Very possible!
8.  Pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus. He has all the answers I need to life
9. Love people more
10. Become more of a confident person and to feel more comfortable in my own skin and walk in that on a daily basis

Thursday, December 22, 2011

fun christmas recipes.

I have had a few people ask me for two of the recipes I made for my party a few weeks ago, so I wanted to put them on here before Christmas incase you want to get the ingredients to make them!

Cream Cheese Penguins
These little guys are so adorable!  Because I was in a crunch for time,  I only put the beak on one of them but, as you can see, you can tell what they are without the beak!  The website I found also put red scarves on them using pimentos or strips of red bell pepper.  I personally tried the red bell pepper and it did not work at all.

What You'll Need:
18 jumbo black olives, pitted
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
18 small black olives
1 carrot

1. Cut a slit in the big olives lengthwise.  You may even want to remove a small portion of the olive to make room for cream cheese.  CAREFULLY insert the cream cheese.  I would roll cream cheese together in little balls, then stick them in there.  Slice the carrot into 1/4 inch thick rounds.  The smaller, the better here!  Cut a small notch or v-shape out of the carrot and use the piece for the beak.  To insert a beak, you will need to make a small hole using a toothpick.
2. Set the big olive with cheese onto the carrot slice.  Now get a small olive and place it on top of the large olive, and secure carefully with a toothpick.

Christmas Tree Cheese Ball
This tree was so beautiful in the beginning that nobody wanted to eat it, and then slowly but surely it started to tip over and eventually feel down!  It was the butt of the joke of the party.  I got a lot of compliments on this, though and it is so easy to make!

What You'll Need:
packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened
4 cups shredded Cheddar cheese (16 ounces)
1 tablespoon minced garlic
2 tablespoons basil pesto
1/4 teaspoon yellow mustard
Red pepper sauce
1/4 cup finely chopped parsley or cilantro
1/4 cup pine nuts or sliced almonds
2 tablespoons chopped red bell pepper
Piece of lemon peel, if desired
Assorted crackers, if desired

1. Stir together cream cheese and Cheddar cheese; divide in half. Stir pesto into 1 half; stir garlic, mustard and 2 or 3 drops pepper sauce into other half. Cover each half; refrigerate about 4 hours or until firm enough to shape.
2. You can then either make two seperate trees, or combine the two and make one tree (which is what I did).
3. Just before serving, press parsley evenly on the tree(s). Press pine nuts onto tree(s) in string form for garland. Press bell pepper pieces onto trees for ornaments. Top each tree with star shape cut from lemon peel. Serve with crackers.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

{photos} Darrow family.

I  have the privilege of watching these two little boys every day.  I love them and they continue to bring me joy and insight as if they were my own children.
Hollie turned 29 last week and celebrated with memories that will last forever!  We went to Cranes Roost in Altamonte for these pictures!

They are a family full of love.




Thank you for letting me take your beautiful family photos!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Things that are new:
1. I'm now officially part of the Pop Shop - performing at different places with the kids! So YAY!
2.  This was extremely last minute, but... in one week we will be in NEW YORK!  My first time, ever!  Everyone keeps saying that I'm going to freak out.  There will probably be a dozen blog posts dedicated to the trip.
3. I'm sitting here learning some songs on the guitar.  And my fingers hurt. :)
4.  Our A/C has been off for about a week now and we opened up the guest room window and we have the lovely night air leaking in.  53 degrees of amazingness.
5.  I auditioned for a Country Talent Search a few weeks ago... and if you would like to help promote me, please put some love on their Facebook wall - it means SO much to me!  Performing is my PASSION!

Other than that, not much else is too new.  I've done some photo shoots recently, but mostly just have been working a ton.  Gotta love the holidays.

Recent photos:


I'll be posting again later this week!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


A miracle happened.
(Please ignore the is not working right)
This weekend was filled with exciting and wonderful Christmas festivities with family and friends.  Our good friend Aaron came up from Miami to spend the weekend.   David and I sang with the Pop Shop at the lighting of the Christmas tree in a fun little area called Cranes Roost.  I always love being with those kids and with the great teachers they have there!  We will be performing with them again this weekend at both Boggy Creek and Snow Mountain in Oviedo - yes, there will be real snow!! :)

On Saturday we had our very first Christmas party.  It was a success, I think!
About 25 people crammed into our 2-bedroom condo and it's a good thing we have a fair sized deck so that people could go out there, too.  David and I have realized we just love having people over and having parties.  I've always planned all my parties with my mom in elaborate detail growing up,  and I still tend to do that!  There is nothing better than loud conversation and laughter surrounding the air mixed with the smells of food and the feeling of crisp night air flowing in.  All these ingredients mixed together create the perfect night - and it felt that way for us.  A big thank you to all our friends and family who came - I can't believe two years ago I was alone in my condo with just a number of friends, feeling alone, and today God has brought a variety of amazing friends into my life.  I feel so blessed!!

I wanted to write this blog post about something in particular, though, because I feel we should constantly be reminded of how amazing Jesus is and the little ways in which He comes through in every part of life!

On Sunday night, after walking through Cranes Roost with Heather, I drove over to a friend's house.  When I pulled up in their driveway, I realized I didn't have my wallet.  I checked my car everywhere - which needed a very thorough inspection considering how messy it is.  I ran into their house and told them I lost my wallet and that I needed to go back.  Without hesitation, they decided to come with me.

{A little background here: They are a young married couple like David and me.  They just moved here from Alabama three months ago and we had just met them 5 days prior to this incident.  We immediately clicked, but I was moved by their compassion and positivity during this night}

So we checked.  The parking lot, the walkways, but something was telling me that it was by the giant lit-up Christmas tree Heather and I had sat down and admired during one part of the night.  As we walked closer, my heart sank when I didn't see it.

Then I looked closer.

There, hidden in the poinsettias, was my wallet (it is the same color as the leaves)!
Everything was left in there, untouched, in a busy place in Orlando for two hours.  Can you talk about a miracle?

God works in everything - the big and small.  Give Him the opportunity to show you.  He'll show up big time!