Monday, September 20, 2010

a series of fortunate events.

Woo... what a week.
I'm serious, I'm only 20 years old and already feel like I don't have time to juggle everything in my life from my 3 jobs to being at the church around 10 hours a week, to spending time with David. I'm wondering how parents survive! One day we will be there, but we are enjoying the time that we do have with one another.

On Wednesday David had the awesome privilege to work alongside Doug Bailey. Doug was his old popshop teacher when he was younger and mentored him a lot in the performing arts. What the popshop does is really cool. They sing while dancing and are very talented kids! David came as a featured alumni for their performance at Hard Rock live (at City Walk Universal Studios).


We met up with our friends Jose and Rachel, who are basically our only young married couple friends. They are our age, and though they live clear across town, when we actually DO get to see them it's fun had by all. They are great people with a heart for Christ and people.

When David came out singing "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay I was so proud. He is really a natural at performing, and I hadn't seen him in that element much before because when he is leading worship it is a whole other ballpark. He looked so cute up there; I couldn't help but to grin and snap a million pictures and think to myself, "That's MY husband!"
(David walking the Red Carpet with Jose and Rachel)

My in-laws met us there (also beaming for their son) and the 6 of us went to Margaritaville. It was my first time. When the heaping pile of nachos came out I only took a few bites, I swear! See? I am learning self-control. And so far I've lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks. Any weight loss is an accomplishment in my eyes. 4 pounds may not seem like a lot but times it by 5 and that is 20 pounds. It all adds up to something big, and I am patient with the slow weight loss because I know it is the healthy way to go.

On Friday I took Brandy and Chandler to a park by their house with this water fountain. They loved it and though I had to keep reminding them "Don't run!" and "Be careful," I was surprised to find out they never hurt themselves!! Score.
(How cute are they?)
(This is the face he makes when you say "bye." I said it for this picture. He likes to blow kisses).
(On the way out of the park, we saw a lot of these Florida birds. "I want to pet the chicken," Brandy said. I told her they definitely weren't chickens.)

This is what David and I had for dinner that night.
(Yummy Q'doba)

Later after a long worship practice David and I headed to New Smyrna Beach. My in-laws recently bought a condo there right on the beach. It's bigger than our condo with it's three rooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious living room, and big kitchen. It was nice to get away from the city and come closer to a serene location where God's beauty & majesty is ever present.

It also came fully furnished with nautical decorations.
And look who was lounging and enjoying her day off... ;-)
The beach bum life is a good life.


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