Tuesday, October 12, 2010

it brought me back.

It isn't like me to post a blog without pictures, but that's sort of what this blog is all about. So, yesterday as I was packing for Colorado, I get a call from my boss at Bath and Body Works. "Shaylee, are you okay? You were suppose to be here at 6." I glance over and the clock and it reads 6:09.

I hate those moments.

So I quickly exclaimed, "I'll be there in 30 (minutes)!"
Because I was packing, my room was an utter terror of a sight! And I knew if I didn't put everything back, my darling husband would wake up from his nap in the guest bedroom and have a heart attack. So, I'm stuffing clothes in each drawer, throwing things around, hurrying to get out the door.
When I finally got into work, it was 7 PM. Yeah, Florida traffic kind of sucks... but I don't blame the traffic, I blame myself for forgetting. It's hard to remember where I'm suppose to be at what time. And sometimes I wonder why I'm always tired and ask David if there is something wrong with me - sometimes I'm so tired I can barely function. But hey, it's good practice for my kid-filled future, right???

While I was working I came across an old fragrance called Pearberry. Hm, this scent sounds familiar, I must have used it when I was young, I thought. So, I did what always answers any question of mine: I smelled it. And that's when the memories came pouring back into my head.

I was 13 years old. I admired this girl in my grade so much that I literally wanted to be her. We had similar interests, she treated me kindly (she was one of the only at Irving Middle School, I can tell you that much), and we both happened to be smokers.
I know some of you reading this are laughing at the thought of me smoking, but I shamefully have to say that when I was my sister's age I was smoking behind my parents back, thinking I was cool. I think we've all been there before.
Anyway, to cover up the fragrance of cigarette smoke, we use to lather pearberry lotion on ourselves like it was nobody's business.
I could still smell it (I smell everything - God quadripuled my keen sense of smell when He made me), but I guess it fooled everybody else.

Well, eventually that all came to an end when my mom decided to pick out clothes for me one Sunday for church. Yeah, I was 13, and my mom was still choosing my clothes... apparently I couldn't dress myself very well back then. Lo and behold, while she was looking in there, she came across an ashtray of cigarettes in my closet from when I last smoked in my room.

I became a goody good after that day! Haha no, in all honesty, I knew it was wrong and it certainly wasn't helping my singing voice in the troubles it was already enduring through puberty, so I quit. I didn't realize how hard it would be to quit, though. There were a few times in high school where I wenmt back into it, but now I can proudly say I haven't touched a cigarette 2 years. I'm so glad, too!

There's no point to this story, other than I have a great sense of smell and I love how God created us to link certain fragrances with memories of our past. To this day, whenever I have something special happening, I change my perfume, scented lotion, etc so that one day I can smell it and it can bring me back to my past, the good and the bad!

Sooooooo tomorrow I will be here:
Finally home sweet home.
MANY pictures to come!


  1. I can't wait to see all the pictures, hear the stories and see the blogs :D

  2. I once heard that our sense of smell is the strongest of our senses. We can can't remember the name of that girl sitting in back of us in our 5th grade class, but we remember that she drenched herself in cucumber melon!
