Friday, October 8, 2010


there couldn't have been a more beautiful day.


I took the kids on a walk around the block. I normally do; however, today was very different.
We didn't want to go home in the first five minutes.
We weren't dying of thirst or parched by the sun, instead we were enjoying the faint breeze blowing through the palms - the sound of a new season.
I welcome you with open arms, 75 degree weather. Please, pull up a seat and stay awhile!


So we went... down the street... as far as we could go.
(With Buzz Lightyear, of course)
(Yes, I have to walk him on this monkey backpack with its tail as the leash. It's cute, so I find it okay he he)

Today was a perfect day for shadows so I thought I would have them be a little creative with it. Chandler still had no idea what I was really saying, but Brandy was getting it and having fun.
Shadows that walk...

Shadows that point...

Shadows that run...

Shadows that are on the sidewalk and on the grass.

I hope I will always be creative with my children one day. I want to have a part of my brain that thinks like one of "them" - they are just so precious.
It was a good day of imagination.

As I type this, all the windows are open and the curtains are slightly dancing.
I hear neighborhood kids outside playing and laughing, and the sound of dogs happily chasing each other.
I already smell smoke burning in the fireplace of a house across the water, and am dreaming about the glorious things October has to offer this year.
One of those great things being Colorado - we are leaving Wednesday and I'm so anxious to just get there! Just the thought of drinking in beauty for 7 days is enough to make me jump with excitement. The gathering of family and childhood friends as we reminisce and catch up is what I've really been longing for and dreaming about for a very long time. I already know it's going to be an extravagant and joyous reunion.
One of my favorite things about Colorado is that you never know what the weather will do next.
This week it's still sunny (got that info via my brother jeremy)-
but next week that could all change. I haven't packed yet for this reason. I can't pack flip flops if there is a fresh blanket of snow on the ground when we arrive! I have already decided first thing Monday morning that I will check the weather forecast from there and go with my best gut feeling on what the weather will bring. See, this gives me a whole new excuse other than procrastination. :)

But until then, I will soak in the sun here.
Hoping to relax at the beach tomorrow. Haven't decided if I want company or solitude.
I haven't written in my journal in 4 months, and I'm ashamed to say that. I guess I just don't know where to start in this new journal. The last journal I filled up was the most heart-wrenching, therapeutic, contemplative thing I've done in awhile. I know this sounds crazy but with that journal, I felt like I could do anything. The first entry started with the raw emotions of a break-up with my first love, a man I thought I'd marry - then it meets David and all the fresh feelings I had in the beginning, to our friendship, whirlwind romance, wedding, to the first week living in Florida. And when I look back and read it now, I'm so grateful that every emotion took residence in there. God did a work of art in my life in 2009, and he still is, and writing is still a vital part of my life, a reflection of my past and a hope for my future.
(the cover of my old journal with my life in it. It started blank and I put this picture up because letting go of my dad was a hard thing for me this year)

(my new journal. David bought it for me one day... he even wrote on the first page. Sweet boy)

I think maybe I'll write in that journal tomorrow when all that is distracting me is the crashing of waves in front of me...

(P.S. Any comment on my blog from October 1-November 30th will be put in a drawing. Winner will win a $10.50 value prize from Bath & Body Works. Christmas is coming up-it makes a great gift!)


  1. I'm so glad to hear ur doing so good and still've come a long way from the nature sisters lyrics lol 8) ahh the good ol days lol. i reali like ur blogs tho i think I'm gonna start reading em regularly. miss ya

  2. Your picture as always, are beautiful! Have a safe trip to Colorado. I'm sure I wont see you but *hugs* from me and you'll love the beauty of Colorado! There is snow on Pikes Peak and the Aspen trees have changed to some beautiful colors! I can't wait to see the photos you have from here!

  3. Shaylee,

    Loved reading your post! And the music in the background...superb! I might have to put her into Pandora and enjoy a little more! Have fun in CO! Enjoy the cold weather and leaves for me! Take LOTS of pics! See you tomorrow! Maybe we could do lunch?


  4. I love those little feet! The cutest pictures I've seen in awhile:)

  5. You have such a talent with the camera Shaylee! I wish I took more photographs, just to document day-to-day activities. I kept a journal before my wedding. How sweet that your husband wrote in your new one!
