Tuesday, June 28, 2011

ice cream.

Yesterday something monumental happened.

It was a BIG moment in our marriage...


We were sitting at the table when I heard the faint music down the street. We were both on our computers and as soon as we heard it, we stopped everything we were doing and looked at each other with a face of excitement.

It was an ice cream truck!!

So, like I did when I was a youngster, I ran to get all of our spare change, anxiously dropping it on the floor and fingering through the quarters and dimes.

And while the truck drives at a pretty slow speed, you really only have a few seconds before it goes past you... so we took off down the stairs to the street!
When the man saw us, he opened the window and laughed, saying we were about the 5th couple who had taken pictures of him and the truck that day, as ice cream trucks are now ancient and vintage.
He was one happy dude. It almost made me want to be an ice cream truck driver...

But then I realized I'd become really fat within about a week, so I crossed that off of potential careers.

I love these moments with my husband... it has been almost 3 years ago since we met and we are still having "first moments" together. That is something I cherish. And I wouldn't have those moments with anyone else.


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