Sunday, April 3, 2011

having faith in the midst of tough times.

As the night comes to an end, and I am near my husband as we get together after a long day together, I feel both a burden on my heart and a blessing in my life.
I'm 20 years old, and I have never really experienced the death of somebody before. Ever.
There were a few times growing up when parents of my friends passed, but back then it didn't feel like a huge deal. In my mind they were older, so even though they were in their young 40's, I never saw it as a bad thing. And death isn't a bad thing if you know Jesus, and I know that... but it wasn't until this afternoon that I was struck with a pain in my heart I've never had before.

A friend of mine from high school died this morning. She was 19 years old and was diabetic. As far as I know, she passed in her sleep due to a bad reaction to the insulin she was taking. She was such a joy to be around and in the few short years that I had memories with her they were enough to leave an impact. She touched so many people, and was an inspiration to how we should be living. I will really miss her. And even though we aren't best friends or anything, my heart breaks knowing that I will never be able to laugh with her again, and that her parents will never be able to laugh with her again. It feels so weird knowing that somebody I know is gone. It's like a dream.

But I have faith that through the heartbreak of death, comes a hope for life... that in the midst of pain, there is growth and renewal. And, after any shocking event, it makes you realize how short life truly is. Nothing's guaranteed and the world owes us nothing. We are just here for a short amount of time for a purpose. We are to love others the way we would love ourselves, to put ourselves last and to lay our lives down. It's what Jesus did for us.

I'm praying for the family and friends of Millie Harrison. She will always be remembered.
Hug somebody closer tonight.
And then make it a goal to do it the next day... and the next...

For the Lord does not abandon anyone forever. Though he brings grief, he also shows compassion according to the greatness of his unfailing love." Lamentations 3:31-32
(Thanks for the verse, Jason).

1 comment:

  1. I agree it just goes to show you how fragile life is and how not each and every day is a guarantee but a blessing that we should embrace and love. I wasnt the best of friends with Millie but it just goes to show you the impact she has played on the students at Wasson and how she lived as you say the life we all should live. R.I.P. Millie Harrison
