Since before I can remember, I've always felt very strongly in my spirit that two things would happen in my life. And both are now true.
1. Get married young.
2. Have a baby girl.
Ok, so I haven't
had her yet, but I'm carrying her with me right now. Everywhere I go and every step I take, she's with me. She is at the safest place she will ever be. She's warm and happy and growing. She has everything she needs where she is right now. A part of me wants to keep her there forever because this world scares me and I already want to protect her from all harm and face it for her.
But I know it's my job to only carry her for a certain time, and then she has to make her entrance, and she has to live her life; to grow from her mistakes and persevere through the hurt and pain. But she already has this special place in my heart. I knew she was a girl since the beginning weeks of pregnancy. I felt that bond and connection to her even though she was seriously making me so sick and all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and not be pregnant anymore. It's a feeling I can't describe.
I saw her face on that monitor yesterday and I haven't stopped thinking about her since. I can't help but to think of all the incredible things she's going to accomplish with her life. The people she'll touch, the love she will captivate. I know she's going to be a world-changer. Whether it's with music, or with words, or maybe a completely different path in medicine or science--there's something special about this little girl.
Yesterday during my ultrasound she was asleep in the beginning. I had my ultrasound at 8 AM and hadn't eaten yet so she wasn't moving. Then the ultrasound tech started pushing the doppler, shaking her and waking her up. It was so funny to watch. And throughout the whole ultrasound she moved from near my bladder all the way up to my rib.
The woman's body amazes me. I still can't believe that a tiny little seed--formed from sperm and egg--can turn into a baby, child, adult and then an elder. It makes me look at life from a whole other angle. It makes my belief in God even stronger.
A year ago I probably would have cringed if you told me I was going to have a baby, and now I can't imagine it any other way. God knew what was best for me and He is blessing me with the biggest miracle. I'm so elated. *Off to Pinterest* :)
And some things I'm really excited about:
And David?