Friday, November 2, 2012

leaving buffalo/18 weeks.

There's a good reason I'm posting two days late. We left Buffalo on Wednesday and returned home to Florida.  I was so sad to leave the cold weather and beautiful fall colors on all the trees and go home to a state I find very plain and boring.  I know that sounds bad but that's the way I've been viewing it lately.  Next week is our 3rd Anniversary, which marks me living in Central Florida for 3 years.  I've met wonderful people here, but I've been feeling a longing in my spirit to leave and to start our little family in a new place, a new environment, a new home.  I want to start over fresh and rejuvenated.  And every time I go inside our condo all I can think about is the nausea I've felt these last few months.  Is that terrible?  I'm just being real. 
I'm ready to start over.  I just want it to be God's will, not mine.  And David agrees.  I've made the move across-country before and it's definitely not some simple act that I can breeze through.  When we move, hopefully sooner than later, I want it to be because we heard God's voice in it and we are being obedient.

So, here I am at 18 Weeks!  Only new things this week is that I have felt him/her move a lot, and also on Monday, whilst in Buffalo, I tripped over a baby gate and landed on my head. Ouchie.  I'll show you in the next vlog.  I wasn't able to get a vlog made this week.  Ever since we got back I've been running around!

The following questions were taken from a blog I follow and absolutely adore:  I'm going to do this weekly!

How far along? 18w2d
Total weight gain: 0
Maternity clothes: Still none.
Stretch marks? I think there are some faint lines, but I'm not quite sure.
Sleep: I'm learning to control it better.  I go to bed early, and wake up early.  Since I'm a morning person, this seems to work best for me.  David has hogged the bed less, but when he starts to get carried away I just tell him he needs to move, and he will. :)
Best moment this week: I've started feeling movement!  Flutters, or quickening as they call them.  I think I started feeling them around 17w2d.  I feel them at night and when I bend over.
Miss anything? I've been missing beer, which is weird.  I've never been a big alcohol fan but having to abstain from it makes me want it... especially with all the seasonal pumpkin beers!!
Movement:Yes... have yet to feel a kick (obviously) but the flutters are fast and quick.
Food cravings: Not really, no.  Just candy but that isn't anything new.
Anything making you queasy or sick? The smell of meat, the smell of David's breath, the smell of a gas stove, the taste/smell of garlic, and the smell of fast food... it all has to do with my nose!!
Gender:I'm officially convinced it's a girl.  I've had to stop myself from saying "She" a few times.
Labour signs: No.
Symptoms: Constipation, Heartburn (loads of that one), Nausea (but lessened ever since I was given medication for it a week ago),  Appetite is starting to increase,  Stomach still feels like it's stretching and every now and then I get some stabbing cramps which have been classified as normal because they only last a few seconds and there is no bleeding involved.
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Moody--Tired
Looking forward to: The ultrasound when they tell us if we are having a little boy or a little girl.  Less than two weeks away!

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